Bulletin Board Logs

To access the bulletin board logs, navigate to the upper right corner of the screen and click on the system logs System Logs icon.

Choose the Bulletin Board Logs option.

screenshot of selecting bulletin board option

This action will take you to the Bulletin Board Logs page, which will display a bulletin list with the information on the assignment, the clinicians involved, the actors, and the time stamp the bulletin was generated.

Searching For Specific Bulletin Board Logs

To find a bulletin board log from a particular date range, navigate to the Filters section of the Bulletin Board Logs page.

Click on the Date Range and pick an option from the flyover menu.

screenshot of date range filter

Click on the submit button when done. The system will update the list with the logs that match the date you picked.

To search for a log by the type of action, assignment, clinician, actor, or time stamp, click on the search Search icon next to the option and type in what you’re looking for.

screenshot of logs list

The system will automatically populate the list with items that match your search.

screenshot of filtered logs list