Setting Up Mapping Templates

To set up the mapping template, click on schedule import Schedule Import in the left menu. Select the Setup Mapping Templates option.

screenshot of setup mapping templates option

In the Setup Mapping Templates page, click on the Add Template button.

In the Add Dataload Template pop up window, type in a name in the Template Name field then upload the file by either dropping the document in the Drop files here! box or by clicking on the Choose Files button. You can see the download’s progress in the Uploads section.

screenshot of add dataload template

Choose a template from the dropdown Template menu then hit the import button when done.

The template will then appear in the list displayed in the Setup Mapping Templates page.

To set up the schedule’s assignments, click on the more options icon next to the template in question and then select the edit Add/Edit Assigncode Mapping.

screenshot of add/edit assigncode mapping

In the Edit Assigncode Mappings page, you can either manually select an assignment name from the Assignment dropdown menu(s) as shown below.

screenshot of edit assigncode mapping page

Or click on the best guess button, which will automatically select an option that better matches the CSV value(s).

screenshot of best guess

If the selection made by the system was not what you were looking for, you can change it as you see fit.

Once you make the necessary edits, the system will alert you when the mapping is added.

screenshot mapping added

To set up the clinicians’ mentioned in the schedule, click on the more options icon next to the template in question in the Setup Mapping Templates page and then select the add/editAdd/Edit Clinician Mapping.

screenshot of add/edit clinician mapping

In the Edit User Mappings page, select the clinician’s name(s) from the dropdown User menu(s).

screenshot of edit user mappings page

Once that is done, the system will alert you when the user is added.

screenshot of user added message

Video Tutorial: Schedule Import Mappings

How do I set up schedule import mappings in Physician Scheduling: A short video of setting up schedule import mapping